Mon 27 Jan
*** MS. SUNSHINE *** SEXY BLONDE READY TO PLAY *** 817 ***933 *** 0798 *** - 32
(Mid Cities, ARLINGTON 360)
lEXiE iN & 0uT SPECiAlS y0u dESERvE tHE fiNNER tHiN! 100% UlTiMAtE ViXEN!! - 23
(Mid Cities, ARliNqT0N/30 & 0UTCALLS DfW)
IN NEED Of Some SPICE in Your Life? Try Adding a TOUCH of Ginger.
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Mid Cities, North DFW, South DFW, 15 MIN E OF DOWNTOWN FT WORTH)
✔jÈNNý✔ ●SËXý.. þRËTTÿ.. þÊTïTïë.. ßlÖñDÊ!● 💘ßÎG ßÔÔtÿ ƒRèÅk!!💘 ⇲ÖnÊ Òƒ Á kÌNd!⇱ - 22
(Mid Cities, Cooper.20 INCAllS. [[My CoZy h0Me]])
❤♥ HoTT Babe ♥❤♥ Flirtatious w/ AMazinG Skills ♥❤♥ New Pics * ** 80 SPECIAL * * * UPLATE - 25
(Mid Cities, Mid-Cities / Bedford/ In or Out)
☑ GorGeousMixi ☑ Classy☑ Fetish Friendly ☑ TheBEST ☑ Big Booty ☑ Petite Cutie - 21
(Mid Cities, Fort Worth Arlington)